Elementor Plugins

By the numbers, Premium Addons for Elementor is the second most popular Elementor plugin at WordPress.org. It offers 20+ widgets in the free version and more 30+ widgets in the premium version. The free Elementor widgets include Media Grid, Pricing Table, Carousel, Modal Box, Fancy Text, Video Box, Count Down, Button, Progress Bar, Testimonials, Google Maps, etc. Elementor addons are plugins developed specifically for the Elementor platform by talented, third-party developers. They increase Elementor’s functionality and enrich the user’s experience. Do I need Elementor addons? These are not mandatory, but if you’d like to enrich your design you should try them out. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress You can type “EA” on your element tabs within Elementor editor and all the avialable elements will appear.


Custom Elementor Icons is a free WordPress plugin allowing its users to upload unlimited custom icons to their websites.

We wanted to give you the ability to create unique and exceptional content on your WordPress platforms. With the help of the plugin, you can create a tailor-made icon set. Few simple steps and you can work with custom icon libraries on your site.

Extras for Elementor has been around since June 2017, making it one of the first premium addons for Elementor. We’ve taken great care in crafting new features, improving on existing ones and keeping up with the amazing speed at which Elementor is moving. See the changelog for a details view of development. Addons For Elementor; countdown Style Addons; Responsive Design; Best Feature; Translation Ready; Unlimited color Support; Unlimited countdown Style possibility; If you find any missing in our plugin, Please message us one time.

This plugin takes it further and gives you the ability to add full sets of custom icons of your choice. It does not depend on which library it comes from, any icon you are using can be edited and adjusted using Elementor’s and WPBakery editing controls. Don’t get used to working with boring icons from popular sites, build your custom icon sets and style them right on your website. Simply install the custom Elementor Icon plugin and change the sites visual completely

Why Do you need custom icons?

The main question is do you really need to use custom icons? The internet is overloaded with free graphic icon resources. Many of us use similar services from time to time. However, it is difficult sometimes to find a ready-to-use pack of icons in one style that will more or less correspond to the brand identity of your website. That is why we need more of them.

One of the most important reasons to create your own icons is customization. Custom icons will fit your brand design and become an integral part of your brand voice.

Tailored, well-designed icon sets can become an effective communication tool and provide you with awesome results extending your brand.

The main features of the plugin:

  • Custom Elementor Icons allows you to add unlimited icons to your website. The plugin supports compatibility with different services, such as IcoMoon, which will help you to generate icon fonts. This service allows you to create and save your own icon sets, either from pre-built icon packs or from your custom SVG icons.

  • With this software, you can add custom icons anywhere on your website.

  • The plugin works perfectly with page builders and is very easy to use.

Simple work with the Custom Elementor Icons plugin

We tried to keep the plugin simple so that it will be easy for the user to navigate it and understand its operation process. All you have to do is generate the set of your custom icons and upload it to the website via the plugin.

You can use some services such as IcoMoon, upload there your SVG icon files and generate the fonts of your icons. Then you will need to download the .zip file and upload it to your website through the plugin assistance. After that just access your new library and select the icon you want to use.

Compatibility with Page Builder

The plugin helps you to take full control over your WP content thanks to its compatibility with the page builders — Elementor and WPBakery. You can use either of the two options as your page builder and still be sure that the plugin is working perfectly with any of them.

The interface of the software is very simple and consistent. Two steps are required to complete the icon upload. Simply navigate to the plugin menu and upload new icons. Once it is done, all the new icons, customized and unique, will be available inside the new icon library.

Next, with the help of icon selectors, you can paste the chosen element to any page or post and keep one style for your WordPress site content.

Every icon you use, no matter which library it comes from, is edited and styled using Elementor’s native styling controls. It completely changes the usual way designers work with custom icons.

All in all, you will be able to speed up your design workflow and remain consistent with your WP website appearance. Don’t settle for packs from Font Awesome Icons, build your own sets of brand icons for the WordPress website and style them as you want with the help of our plugin.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Please find more details on Plugin Installation in documentation
  4. Set Up Page in Menu -> Custom Icons.


Contributors & Developers

“Custom Elementor Icons” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Added Customize Enqueue Scripts.
  • Added WPCFTO Enqueue Scripts.


  • Changed “CustomIcons” class Access Modifiers.


  • First Version of Plugin.


WooLentor is a WooCommerce Addons for Elementor Page Builder. WooCommerce Builder is included in this plugin to build custom product page and archive page.
42 product layouts, awsome style options. It can show latest products, Best Selling products, On Sale Products, Featured products, Category products. This plugin has the options to add unlimited background colors and images to make your product slider/Tab more professional.

Live Demo | Documentation | Purchase Pro

WooCommerce Builder Includes

Elementor like plugins

🛍️ Single Product page builder.
🛍️ Custom Product Template Builder for Individual Product(Pro).
🛍️ Shop / Archive page builder.
🛍️ Individual Archive Page Builder (pro).
🛍️ Cart / Checkout / My account / Thankyou page builder (Pro)

You can see the plugin demo here : Live Demo

Free Features (25):

  • WooCommerce Template Builder (Basic)
  • Product Grid
  • Product Slider
  • Product Tab
  • Action Buttons in different Positions
  • Sale / Discount Schedule Counter
  • Enable / Disable Product Gallery
  • Unlimited Color and font Variations.
  • Slider Control Options
  • Sales Notification (Real)
  • Sales Notification (Custom)
  • Rename labels
  • Call for Price
  • Suggest Price
  • Special Day offer banner
  • Product QR Code
  • Custom Product Template Builder
  • Product Grid (Curvy)
  • Product Accordion Listing
  • Product Image Accordion
  • Shop Page Builder
  • Ajax Search Widget
  • Ajax Add to Cart (In Product Detail Page)
  • Horizontal Filter Demo
  • Vertical Filter Demo
  • Template Library (Basic)
  • Free WooCommerce Themes

Premium Features (14):

Elementor plugin download

✓ Rename Label (Advanced)
✓ Custom Product Template Builder for Individual Product
✓ Individual Archive Page Builder
✓ Custom Cart Page Builder
✓ Custom Checkout Page Builder
✓ Custom My Account Page Builder
✓ Sticky Add to cart
✓ Template Library (Premium)
✓ 5 Premium WooCommerce Themes
✓ WooCommerce Template Builder (Advanced)
✓ Phone Call Support
✓ Premium Support
✓ Zoom/Skype/TeamViewer Support
✓ Free Store Setup (Maximum 2)

Available Widgets:

General Widgets

Product Tabs – Display your products in a tabbed format based on different categories.

Add Banner – Create a banner section and control the style and layout of the banner.

Special Day Offer Banner – Create a banner for any special day offers like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, etc.

Image marker – Describe a product by adding markers on different parts of that product’s image.

Universal Product Layout – Create your own customized layout to display your products from several different options available in this widget.

Category List – Control the product category list style according to your requirements.

Brand – Showcase brand logos within a grid or carousel layout.

Customer Review – Display customer reviews and control the style and layout of the reviews.

Product Curvy – Showcase your products in an attractive card layout with circular images.

Product Image Accordion – Add a stunning image accordion for your products to grab the attention of your customers.

Product Accordion – Add a simple but effective product according to your store and customize as per your needs.

AJAX Search Form – Incorporate an AJAX search form to your store so that your customers can get live search suggestions when searching for a product.

Template Selector – Create a custom Elementor template by utilizing this very widget and use it anywhere you want.

For Single Product Page:

Product Title – Control the layout and styling of your product title.

Product Description – Get control over the layout and style of your product description.

Product Short Description – Manage the layout and style of your product short description.

Add to Cart – Manage the style and layout of the Add to Cart button.


Additional Information – Add additional information for your products.

Elementor pro

Product Data Tabs – Enables you to control the data tabs style.

Related Product – Set the number of related products to display and change the style according to your needs.

Related Product Layout (Custom) – Create a more customized layout to display the related products. (Pro)

Product Price – Set the style for the product price of your product.

Product Rating – Control the product rating style.

Product Reviews – Display product reviews and a form for the customer to submit a review.

Product Image – Take control over the styling of your product image and thumbnails.

Advanced Product Thumbnails – Control the product thumbnails layout and show/hide the sale badge. (Pro)

Advanced Product Thumbnails with Zoom – Showcase your product thumbnails with a zoom effect.

Product Video Gallery – Add videos to the product thumbnails gallery and get control over the gallery position.

Upsell Product – Set the number of upsell products to display and change the style based on your needs.

Upsell Product Layout (Custom) – Create a more personalized layout to display the upsell products.(Pro)

Product Stock – Control the style of your product stock status.

Product Meta – Customize the style of your product metadata.

Call for Price – Allows you to add a button using which your customers will be able to call you to know the price of your products.

Suggest Price – Insert a button to get suggestions from your customers regarding the price of your products.

QR Code – Allow your customers to add any products to their cart just by scanning the QR code from their mobile phone.

Social Share – Enable your customers to share your products on different social media platforms. (Pro)

Stock Progress Bar – Add a progress bar to display the number of ordered products and available products. (Pro)

Product Sale Schedule – Set up a discount scheduler for each product that is on sale. (Pro)

Cart Page Widgets (Pro):

Cart Table – Control each and every element of the cart table and customize the action buttons.

Cart Total – Manage the style and layout of the cart total table.

Empty Cart Message – Change the empty cart message text and customize the style.

Empty Cart Redirect Button – Get full control over the redirect button of an empty Cart page.

Cross Sell Product – Set the number of cross sell products to display and control the style.

Cross Sell Product Layout (Custom) – Create a more personalized layout to display the upsell products.

Checkout Page Widgets (Pro):

Checkout Additional Info Form – Modify the fields and style of the additional information form.

Checkout Billing Form – Get full control over the fields and styles of the billing form.

Checkout Shipping Form – Manage all the fields and necessary styles of the shipping form.

Checkout Payment Method – Set your own style for the payment method section of the Checkout page.

Checkout Coupon Form – Control the layout and style of the coupon form effortlessly.

Checkout Login Form – Customize the login form as per your requirements.

Checkout Order Review – Change the style of the order review form exactly the way you want.

My Account Page Widgets (Pro):

My Account – Control the navigation menu items and style of the account page.

My Account Dashboard – Display the dashboard options from the account page separately and set your own style.

My Account Download – Display the download options from the account page separately.

My Account Edit – Show a form for your customers to edit the account information and control the style of the form elements.

My Account Address – Enable your customers to provide their billing and shipping details.

My Account Login Form – Control the layout and style of the customer login form.

My Account Register Form – Control the layout and style of the customer registration form.

My Account Logout – Show a link to log out and customize the link based on your needs.

My Account Order – Display the order details from the account page separately.

Shop or Archive Page Widgets:

Product Archive Layout – Display your products using the theme style and customize the necessary styles if necessary.

Product Archive Layout (Custom) – Display your products using a more customized layout and get control over the styles of every element. (Pro)

Horizontal Filter – Show various product filtering options horizontally and take absolute control over the styles and layouts of the filters.

Vertical Filter – Display several product filtering options vertically and get complete control over the styles and layouts of the filters.

Key Features:

Sales Notification
This feature allows showing the sales notification or popup to display real/fake orders. In the dashboard, there is option to manage the design of the notification. Check the video for more details.

Rename Label
WooLentor allows renaming label for Shop, Product details, Cart, Checkout page text. For example, add to cart button text and checkout page fields text.

Call for price
You may have product without any price. Your customer can call you to know the price. We found many websites where they display products without any price. For this type of website, we added these features. If anyone clicks on the “Call for price” from a mobile, a customer can easily contact you by phone call.

Suggest Price
Your customer can suggest a price for your products. You can add this button anywhere on your product detail page. We put it on the right side of the add to cart button. If a customer clicks here, a contact form will open to send the price suggestion.

Special Day Offer Banner
There are many special days like Black Friday, Chrismas Day, Haloween day. Discounts and offers can increase store sales these days. a banner can attract attention of visitors and sometimes it increases a 15-30% conversion rate. Recently we add a widget for adding a special day offer.

WooCommerce Checkout Page Customization and Field Editor (Pro)
WooLentor Pro allows us to customize the checkout page to reduce the bounce rate and increase the conversion rate. Sometimes, a custom checkout page is necessary for an eCommerce store. WooLentor Pro makes it easy. Besides creating a custom checkout page, WooLentor allowing remove or edit checkout page fields (billing and shopping fields).

customize WooCommerce single product template
WooLentor allows us to create a custom single product template. Create a unique design for your product page. Free version has the option to create a common product page template, the pro version allows to create a different design for each product page.

Multi-Step Checkout (Pro)
The checkout process is the most important step in your customer’s journey, and it should be as easy and seamless as possible. That’s why we created our Multi-Step Checkout feature that allows you to create a more effective and organized checkout page by dividing the process into several simpler steps.


❤️ WishSuite
WishSuite is a fantastic WordPress plugin that enables you to integrate the wishlist feature on your WooCommerce store. With the help of this extraordinary Wishlist plugin, you can provide a seamless shopping experience to your potential customers by allowing them to create a wishlist and add their desired products to that wishlist so that they find all their items in one place later.

⚖️ EverCompare
EverCompare is a wonderful WordPress plugin that lets you add a product comparison option to your WooCommerce store using which your store visitors will be able to compare different products in a table layout or a popup window. This allows them to check the differences among the products based on several attributes while helping them make the buying decision easier at the same time.

💰 Whols
Whols is an outstanding WordPress plugin for WooCommerce that allows store owners to set wholesale prices for the products of their online stores. This plugin enables you to show special wholesale prices to the wholesaler.

📋 JustTables
JustTables is an incredible WordPress plugin that lets you showcase all your WooCommerce products in a sortable and filterable table view. It allows your customers to easily navigate through different attributes of the products and compare them on a single page.

💷 Multi Currency
Multi-Currency for WooCommerce is a prominent currency switcher plugin for WooCommerce. This plugin allows your website or online store visitors to switch to their preferred currency or their country’s currency.

WooLentor Pro Features:

  • 41 Elements
  • WooCommerce Teplate Builder (Advance)
  • 15 Product Custom Template Layouts ( Deafult + Invidual)
  • Cart, Checkout, My Account, Registration Page Builder.
  • Individual and Default Archieve Template Builder.

Purchase WooLentor Pro

Video Tutorials:

How to customize woocommerce single product template

Build Custom My Account Page (Pro Feature)

WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor (Pro Feature)

WooCommerce Multistep Checkout (Pro Feature)

Product Filters

More Video

Free WooCommerce Themes

  • 99fy is a free WooCommerce theme. 99 demos for 24 niche categories are included in this theme.
    More Details / Preview

  • Parlo WooCommerce Theme
    More Details / Preview

Premium WooCommerce Themes Included in The Pro Version

We have included a few premium WooCommerce themes in the WooLentor Pro Package to save money of our customers.
Flone is one of our most popular WooComemrce Themes using by 1000+ stores.
99Fy Pro
Pro version of 99fy is included in WooLentor pro. 99 demos for 24 niche categories are included in this theme.
Holmes is a multipurpose premium WooCommerce Theme.
Check all of the themes, included in the Woolentor Pro version.

Need Help?

Is there any feature that you want to get in this plugin?
Needs assistance to use this plugin?
Feel free to Contact us

Absolute Addons for Elementor Page Builder

Don’t forgete to check our Absolute mega addon for Elementor page Builder.
HT Mega – Absolute Addons for Elementor Page Builder
Includes 360 Blocke & 15 Landing Pages.

Jet Elementor Plugins

Elementor page builder is required for this plugin.

Elementor Pro is not required. But you can use wooLentor with Elementor free & Pro.


This section describes how to install the WooLentor – WooCommerce Addons for Elementor Page Builder plugin and get it working.

1) Install

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard “Add New Plugin” section.
  2. Search For “WooLentor”.
  3. Install, then Activate it.


  1. Unzip (if it is zipped) and Upload woolentor-addons folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

2) Configure

  1. After install and activate the plugin you will get a notice to install Elementor Plugin ( If allready install it then do not show notice. ).
  2. To install the plugin click on the “Button” Install Elementor.
  3. ‘WOOLENTOR’ Category will be appear in Elementor page Editor
  4. Create new Product slider or product tab and relax!
