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eager to acquire knowledge; inquisitive: He was curious to know how she had come by so many of the rare objects.- 59 votes, 211 comments. TLDR: Goons are finished WARP, IOU, REQ, AARP are failcascading BRAVE is evaccing to Querious Let's kill Siberian Squad!
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Not to be confused with:
This fact was most clear in Querious. Visual studio code angular. Drivers ali cameras. A fair amount of the region belonged to The Initiative which is comprised of 25 different corporations. I found travelling the region to be rather quiet until there were only 3 constellations left to explore.
curios – unusual objects of art, valued as a curiosity: She has a special cabinet for her curios.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
(kyo͝or′ē-əs)adj.1. Eager to learn more: curious investigators; a trapdoor that made me curious.
2. Unduly inquisitive; prying: a curious neighbor always looking over the fence.
3. Arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness: a curious fact.
4. Archaicb. Extremely careful; scrupulous or fastidious.
[Middle English, from Old French curios, from Latin cūriōsus, careful, inquisitive, from cūra, care; see cure.]
cu′ri·ous·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(ˈkjʊərɪəs) adj2. overinquisitive; prying
3. interesting because of oddness or novelty; strange; unexpected
4. rare (of workmanship, etc) highly detailed, intricate, or subtle
[C14: from Latin cūriōsus taking pains over something, from cūra care]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈkyʊər i əs)adj.
2. taking an undue interest in others' affairs; prying.
3. arousing attention or interest through being unusual or hard to explain; odd; strange; novel.
4. Archaic. b. careful; fastidious.
[1275–1325; Middle English < Latin cūriōsus careful, inquisitive, probably back formation from incūriōsus careless, derivative of incūria carelessness]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Adj. | 1. | curious - beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; 'a curious hybrid accent'; 'her speech has a funny twang'; 'they have some funny ideas about war'; 'had an odd name'; 'the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves'; 'something definitely queer about this town'; 'what a rum fellow'; 'singular behavior' peculiar, queer, rum, rummy, singular, funny, odd strange, unusual - being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; 'a strange exaltation that was indefinable'; 'a strange fantastical mind'; 'what a strange sense of humor she has' |
2. | curious - eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others' concerns); 'a curious child is a teacher's delight'; 'a trap door that made me curious'; 'curious investigators'; 'traffic was slowed by curious rubberneckers'; 'curious about the neighbor's doings' incurious - showing absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity; 'strangely incurious about the cause of the political upheaval surrounding them' | |
3. | curious - having curiosity aroused; eagerly interested in learning more; 'a trap door that made me curious' interested - having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern; 'an interested audience'; 'interested in sports'; 'was interested to hear about her family'; 'interested in knowing who was on the telephone'; 'interested spectators' |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Curious Cat
adjective1.inquisitive, interested, questioning, searching, inquiring, peering, puzzled, peeping, meddling, prying, snoopy(informal), nosy(informal)He was intensely curious about the world around him.
inquisitiveindifferent, uninterested, incurious, uninquisitive
inquisitiveindifferent, uninterested, incurious, uninquisitive
2.strange, unusual, bizarre, odd, novel, wonderful, rare, unique, extraordinary, puzzling, unexpected, exotic, mysterious, marvellous, peculiar, queer(informal), rum(Brit. slang), singular, unconventional, quaint, unorthodoxA lot of curious things have happened here in the past few weeks.unusualcommon, ordinary, familiar, everyday
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjective1. Eager to acquire knowledge:inquiring, inquisitive, investigative, questioning.
2. Unduly interested in the affairs of others:Informal: nosy, snoopy.
3. Causing puzzlement; perplexing:
4. Deviating from the customary:bizarre, cranky, eccentric, erratic, freakish, idiosyncratic, odd, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, queer, quirky, singular, strange, unnatural, unusual, weird.
British Slang: rum, rummy.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
غَريبمُحِب للإستِطلاع ، مُهتَممُحِبٌّ لِلاسْتِطْلاع
[ˈkjʊərɪəs]ADJ1. (= inquisitive) → curioso
I'd be curious to know → tengocuriosidad por saberlo
she was curious about her sister's new boyfriend → sentíacuriosidad por conocer al nuevonovio de su hermana
'do you want to know for any special reason?' - 'no, I'm just curious' → -¿quieres saberlo por alguna razónespecial? -no, sólo por curiosidad
I'd be curious to know → tengocuriosidad por saberlo
she was curious about her sister's new boyfriend → sentíacuriosidad por conocer al nuevonovio de su hermana
'do you want to know for any special reason?' - 'no, I'm just curious' → -¿quieres saberlo por alguna razónespecial? -no, sólo por curiosidad
2. (= strange) → curioso
it's curious that she didn't say why → es curioso que no dijesepor qué
it's curious how we keep meeting each other → es curioso que siempre nos estemos encontrando
it's curious that she didn't say why → es curioso que no dijesepor qué
it's curious how we keep meeting each other → es curioso que siempre nos estemos encontrando
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈkjʊəriəs]adj (= inquisitive) [person] → curieux/euse
to be curious about sth → être curieux/euseà propos de qch
to be curious about sth
I'm curious about him
BUTIl m'intrigue.
to be curious to know sth → être curieux/euse de savoir qch
to be curious about sth → être curieux/euseà propos de qch
to be curious about sth
I'm curious about him
BUTIl m'intrigue.
to be curious to know sth → être curieux/euse de savoir qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj(= inquisitive) → neugierig; I’m curious to know what he’ll do → ich bin mal gespannt, was er macht; I’m curious to know how he did it → ich bin neugierig zu erfahren, wie er das gemacht hat; I’d be curious to know how you got on → ich wüsste (ganz) gern, wie du zurechtgekommen bist; the neighbours were curious to know … → die Nachbarn wollten (nur) zu gernewissen …; I’m curious about him → ich möchtegernmehr über ihn erfahrenorherausfinden; why do you ask? — I’m just curious → warum fragst du? — nur so
(= odd) → sonderbar, seltsam, eigenartig; how curious! → wie seltsam!; it’s curious the way he already knew that → sonderbaretc, dass er das schon gewusst hat
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈkjʊərɪəs]adja. (inquisitive) → curioso/a
I'm curious about him → m'incuriosisce
I'd be curious to know → sarei curioso di sapere
I'm curious about him → m'incuriosisce
I'd be curious to know → sarei curioso di sapere
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
Querious 2
(ˈkjuəriəs) adjective1. strange; odd. a curious habit. vreemde غَريب любопитен curioso zvláštní, podivný seltsam mærkelig; ejendommelig παράξενοςcurioso; extraño, raro veider عجیب و غریب؛ غیر عادی erikoinen curieuxמוזר जिज्ञासु čudan, neobičan furcsa aneh forvitinn curioso 奇妙な 이상한 keistas, neįprastas dīvains; neparasts pelik eigenaardigmerkelig, rardziwny, osobliwy غیر عادی ، عجیب او غریب curioso ciudat странный zvláštny nenavaden neobičan egendomlig, underlig แปลก tuhaf, garip 稀奇古怪的 дивний, курйозний نرالا، انوكها tò mò 稀奇古怪的
2. anxious or interested (to learn). I'm curious (to find out) whether he passed his exams. geïnteresseerd مُحِب للإستِطلاع ، مُهتَم любознателен curioso zvědavý neugierig nysgerrig περίεργοςansioso, curioso uudishimulik کنجکاو utelias curieuxסקרן अनोखा znatiželjan kíváncsi ingin tahu forvitinn curioso 好奇心のある 호기심이 강한 smalsus, žingeidus ziņkārīgs; zinātkārs ingn tahu benieuwd spent/nysgjerrig på, vitebegjærligciekawy نارک بین ، ځیرک curioso curios любознательный; любопытный zvedavý radoveden znatiželjan vetgirig, nyfiken อยากรู้อยากเห็น meraklı 好奇的 цікавий; допитливий مشتاق، متجسس ham hiểu biết 好奇的
ˈcuriously adverb vreemd باستِطلاع необичайно curiosamente podivně; zvědavě besonders mærkeligt; ejendommeligt περιέργως curiosamente uudishimulikult از روی کنجکاوی uteliaasti curieusement בְּסַקרָנוּת जिज्ञासावश znatiželjno furcsa módon tertarik einkennilega curiosamente 物珍しそうに 이상하게 keistai, smalsiai dīvaini; savādi dengan ingin tahu merkwaardigmerkelig, underlig, rart dziwnie, ciekawie له ځیرکی څخه curiosamente (în mod) ciudat/straniu странно zvedavo radovedno znatiželjno egendomligt, nyfiket แปลก; อย่างอยากรู้อยากเห็น merakla 好奇地 дивно; цікаво عجيب انداز سے، تجسسانہ một cách tò mò 好奇地
ˌcuriˈosity (-ˈo-) – plural ˌcuriˈosities – noun1. eagerness to learn. She was very unpopular because of her curiosity about other people's affairs. belangstelling حُب الأسِتطلاع любопитство curiosidade zvědavost die Neugier nysgerrighed περιέργειαcuriosidad uudishimu کنجکاوی؛ فضولی uteliaisuus curiositéסקרנות जिज्ञासा znatiželja kíváncsiság rasa tertarik forvitni curiosità 好奇心 호기심 smalsumas ziņkārība; zinātkāre perasaan ingin tahu nieuwsgierigheidnysgjerrighetciekawość ځیرکی curiosidade curiozitate любознательность; любопытство zvedavosť radovednost radoznalost vetgirighet, nyfikenhet ความอยากรู้อยากเห็น merak 好奇心 цікавість; допитливість لگن، اشتیاق tính ham hiểu biết 好奇心
2. something strange and rare. That old chair is quite a curiosity. interessantheid شَيء نادِر وغَريب рядкост raridade kuriozita die Rarität sjældenhed; kuriositet αξιοπερίεργο αντικείμενο curiosidad kurioosum چیز عجیب و غریب erikoisuus curiosité יוֹצֵא דוֹפֵן וְנָדִיר विचित्र kuriozitet, rijetkost érdekesség barang langka fágæti curiosità, rarità こっとう品 진기함, 신기함 keistenybė, retenybė dīvainība; rets priekšmets aneh curiositeitmerkverdighet, raritetosobliwość یو عجیب او غریب شی raridade raritate редкость kuriozita posebnost retkost märkvärdighet, kuriositet สิ่งที่แปลกและหายาก ilginç ve acayip 奇事,珍品 рідкість; дивина عجيب، انوكها، نادر của hiếm 奇品,珍品
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مُحِبٌّ لِلاسْتِطْلاع zvědavý nysgerrigneugierigπερίεργοςcurioso uteliascurieux znatiželjancurioso 知りたがる 호기심이 강한nieuwsgierignysgjerrigciekawycuriosoлюбопытный nyfiken อยากรู้อยากเห็นmeraklı tò mò好奇的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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