Wix Wordpress

Wordpress and Wix are both tools for building a website— but they have completely different approaches: Wix is a website builder and Wordpress is a CMS (or Content Management System). Understanding this difference is critical in deciding which to choose. To generalize, website builders like Wix are easier to use but less customizable. Wix is a website builder and WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System). You need to understand this difference because it will be essential to your decision. Wix is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) type of website builder that’s pleasant to use that even a child could do it. Customization Options: WordPress vs. Both WordPress.com and Wix have third-party extensions that you can use to add features and enhance your site. The terminology is a bit different – WordPress.com calls them plugins, while Wix refers to them as apps – but the idea is the same.

WixWix wordpress theme

Jan 31, 2021 WordPress.com is not an extremely difficult interface, but it isn’t as easy to use as Wix and Weebly. The ability to switch between the WordPress.com interface and the WordPress.org admin does give you more flexibility with this free blogging site, but it makes things more complicated for new bloggers. Both Wix and WordPress are website building platforms that will be familiar to many. At one time, Wix gained a lot of traction among site owners, and it still has a following in certain circles. The same could be said for WordPress too, although the reach and scale of the platform is greater than all of its competitors combined.

Six important differences to understand before deciding between Wix and Wordpress.

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Wordpress and Wix are both tools for building a website— but they have completely different approaches: Wix is a website builder and Wordpress is a CMS (or Content Management System). Understanding this difference is critical in deciding which to choose.

To generalize, website builders like Wix are easier to use but less customizable. They also include hosting— so you don’t have to set up a web host— but that means you can’t ever move your website off of Wix and on to a new web host.


Wix vs wordpress Pricing At A Glance

  • Website Builders vs CMS

    Wix is a website builder while Wordpress is a CMS— both come with benefits and trade-offs.

  • Editor

    Wix has a visual, drag-and-drop editor while Wordpress is abstracted away from the page— it doesn’t show the full page within the editor.

  • Open Source vs Closed

    Wordpress is open-source with thousands of plugins and themes— but those plugins and themes can be difficult to implement.

Website Builders vs CMS

A CMS like Wordpress has a steeper learning curve but is highly customizable. You need to setup Wordpress on a web host— though that’s less intimidating than it sounds (there are plenty of hosts offering 1-click Wordpress installation). Wordpress is open-source, which means it’s free for anyone to use and modify (though hosting, themes and plugins can all cost money).

Wix is easier to use but less flexible while Wordpress is more flexible but has a steeper learning curve— deciding between the two is a question of tradeoffs.


I’m just scratching the surface of the differences— as you’ll see in the rest of this article, the difference between Wix and Wordpress manifests itself in templates, hosting, features, customer support and much more.

Just remember: Wix vs Wordpress is not an ideological debate— there is no right or wrong answer. Instead, the tool should match the need— let what you are building guide your decision.

Wix Wordpress

Squarespace Wix Wordpress

Note: This article is about Wordpress.org— not Wordpress.com. Wordpress.com is a separate service that’s more like a website builder and is entirely different.